Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Dangers of Clamshell Packaging - Clamshell Packaging

Clamshell Packaging

Clamshell packaging-Clamshell packages are a relatively new invention that caught on almost instantly it seems, and now they are everywhere. Almost all small electronics, many small toys, and a whole variety of other products are packaged and hung on the racks at our local retailers using clamshells.

Yes, they make the product easier to see than boxes and I'm sure it costs a lot less than the old packaging using boxes or blister packs. They are apparently even designed to deter theft which they do so well that the items are nearly impossible to remove even once I get them home. The plastic is too hard for all but industrial strength scissors. I actually broke a pair of scissors on one particularly nasty package. I've even had to break out my box cutter on occasion to get into a few of these. Even more dangerous than trying to open these things are the amazingly sharp edges of the plastic once they've been cut. Yesterday, I was trying to open one and nearly sliced my finger open. I'm surprised there hasn't been a lawsuit on this yet.

A few months ago I was opening one and was struggling even more than usual. I made it through the thick outer edge, but couldn't make any more progress. As with most of these packages, sandwiched between the exterior layers of plastic were two layers of thin, glossy cardboard sheets containing basic branding on the front and product details on the back. I couldn't see why I couldn't cut through these. Turns out, they placed a CD containing instructions and other related materials between the layers of cardboard. Nowhere on the packaging did it mention a CD or software, and it couldn't be seen through the packaging. I had cut so hard, I actually took a chunk out of the edge of the CD. No wonder I couldn't cut through it. Thankfully, the CD still worked.

I don't have any numbers, but I would suspect that injuries and environmental impact are both up. I do know that my own frustration level is certainly up. I doubt it's a good to have the customer frustrated as the first impression of the product they just bought.

Clamshell Packaging
Article Source : thcrawford.blogspot